A Crossword? How Cryptic.

  1. 4. Years cut short round your September birthday boy.
  2. 7. Odd jean underwear man- hoist up!
  3. 8. I entangle and hack.
  4. 9. Audibly going to somewhere unpleasant by basket.
  5. 11. Burn the French giant.
  6. 12. A spouse at the Italian ice.
  1. 1. Makes a student a man.
  2. 2. Before the soundbite.
  3. 3. Cut this bro from the server.
  4. 5. A father to a measure.
  5. 6. Kept outside of here it will mould.
  6. 7. The gamer brought up endless affirmation over a breakfast drink.
  7. 10. Jack, unbounded by identity, now a stranger to us.