Hunger Games

  1. 4. marked by skill in deception
  2. 5. a severe or painful experience
  3. 6. skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands
  4. 10. tending to rule in a cruel manner
  5. 12. a dense growth of trees, shrubs, or bushes
  6. 13. in a manner of affording no ease or reassurance
  7. 15. injurious to physical or mental health
  8. 17. a state of being half-awake
  9. 19. pale from illness or emotion
  10. 20. suppress or crush completely
  1. 1. to become less active, less intense, or less in amount
  2. 2. deviating from a straight course
  3. 3. a swaggering show of courage
  4. 7. in a hesitant manner
  5. 8. administer an oil or ointment to, often ceremonially
  6. 9. thin and weak
  7. 11. reveal its presence or make an appearance
  8. 14. come to terms with
  9. 16. the act of physically escaping from something
  10. 18. capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects