Hunger Games

  1. 3. Works in his families bakery
  2. 4. Designs Katnisses outfits
  3. 5. Katniss' Sister
  4. 7. Announces Prim for the Hunger Games
  5. 11. Wasps
  6. 13. Hunts with Katniss
  7. 14. A benefit sent during the games
  8. 15. Where the people live
  9. 16. Little girl who likes hiding and friends with Katniss
  1. 1. Security in the districts
  2. 2. Hunts with a bow and arrow
  3. 6. Giant dogs
  4. 8. Trains Katniss and Peta
  5. 9. People who have won previous Hunger Games
  6. 10. Author of the Hunger Games
  7. 12. Wants to kill Katniss the most