Hunger Games

  1. 1. absence of culture and civilization.
  2. 3. the main character of this story
  3. 7. soldiers who are controlled by the capitol
  4. 8. the makers of the hunger games
  5. 12. a skill that katniss is best at.
  6. 14. a weapon Katniss uses
  7. 16. the main character's sister
  8. 17. a giant horn shaped like a cone with a tail and the mouth is twenty feet high.
  9. 19. being slightly open
  10. 21. an advanced, city where the district's most rich and dominant subjects live.
  11. 23. tributes that have trained all there lives for the hunger games
  1. 2. an athletic woman that explains the training schedule.
  2. 4. a trap that katniss makes
  3. 5. the feeling that katniss felt when peeta wanted to train alone.
  4. 6. People of the 12 districts who are forced/volunteered to be in the hunger games
  5. 9. people that have broken the capitols trust and got their tongues cut off.
  6. 10. district twelve's first winning survivor in the hunger games
  7. 11. a feeling peeta has for katniss
  8. 13. Where Katniss and Peeta presented their districts costumes
  9. 15. the escort of the people in district 12
  10. 18. Katniss's stylist
  11. 20. a black market in district 12 that katniss goes to
  12. 22. A tower designed to train for the hunger games