Hunger Games

  1. 3. the horses lead the _____
  2. 5. genre of book
  3. 7. Katniss's district
  4. 8. President of the Games
  5. 11. where weapons/supplies are
  6. 13. katniss's last name
  7. 16. Katniss and Peeta's designer
  8. 17. President Snow's breath smells like
  9. 18. who katniss kills with the nest
  10. 21. shoots _____ for killing Rue
  11. 22. trading center in District Twelve
  12. 24. nickname for upper District members
  13. 25. Gale's nickname for Katniss
  14. 30. Katniss goes deaf from the _____
  15. 31. youngest contestant in the Games
  16. 34. Katniss's signature hairstyle
  17. 35. Peeta's last name
  18. 36. District 11 sends a _____ shaped bread
  19. 37. Katniss's father died in the _____
  20. 38. demolished District
  21. 40. bird on the pin
  22. 41. districts and capitol are located in
  23. 43. Katniss's favorite weapon
  24. 44. Prim's present from Gale and Katniss
  1. 1. the soldiers
  2. 2. what Katniss covers Rue with
  3. 4. shoots this to catch their attention
  4. 6. actress who plays Katniss
  5. 9. deadly hornets
  6. 10. Mayor's daughter
  7. 12. author of the book
  8. 14. how Foxface dies
  9. 15. "may the odds be ever in your _____"
  10. 19. huge wigs and vibrant colors
  11. 20. lets katniss live
  12. 23. what Peeta throws Katniss in the rain
  13. 26. criminals in the Capitol
  14. 27. defiance will cause a _____
  15. 28. Katniss and Peeta win this year
  16. 29. Katniss and Peeta's mentor
  17. 32. fires when someone dies
  18. 33. Prim's scruffy cat
  19. 39. killed by huge hounds
  20. 41. baker's son
  21. 42. volunteers as _____