  1. 2. Nuclear power plant district
  2. 3. Lumber district
  3. 6. Coal district
  4. 7. The author of the hunger games
  5. 13. Mutt that copies words
  6. 14. The leader of Panem
  7. 15. What Panem means
  8. 17. Transportation district
  9. 18. Where Katniss gets her pin
  10. 20. Luxury item district
  11. 21. Harvesting district
  12. 22. The country that consists of districts and the capitol
  13. 23. Textile district
  14. 27. The third book in the series
  15. 29. Where the tributes practice before the hunger games
  16. 31. Katniss' boyfriend
  17. 32. The president of Panem
  18. 33. Grain district
  19. 35. How Megs dies
  1. 1. Technology district
  2. 3. Fishing district
  3. 4. The second book of the series
  4. 5. Boy from 4 during the quarter quell
  5. 8. Katniss' best friend
  6. 9. Katniss' younger sister
  7. 10. Girl from 7 during the quarter quell
  8. 11. Peeta said that 'He won't be a piece in their ______'
  9. 12. Livestock district
  10. 16. Weapon district
  11. 19. What bird did jabberjays breed with to make a mockingjay
  12. 24. The main character
  13. 25. When a tribute gets called to go to the hunger games
  14. 26. Power and electricity district
  15. 28. Where the hunger games is held
  16. 30. The president of 13
  17. 34. Girl from 4 during the quarter quell