Hunger games

  1. 2. Katniss’s first ally (girl tribute from district 11)
  2. 3. A person that’s has won the hunger games and coach’s the tributes
  3. 4. Katniss and peeta’s mentor
  4. 6. The main source of water in the hunger games
  5. 9. The country were the hunger games are held
  6. 11. A person selected at the reaping and competes at the hunger games
  7. 12. The people who can change any thing that happens during the hunger games
  8. 13. What the country of Panem is broken up into
  9. 14. What district 12 is known for
  1. 1. The main event in the book
  2. 5. The protagonist and girl tribute for district 12
  3. 7. The boy tribute from district 12
  4. 8. What peeta’s dad cooks in his bakery
  5. 9. Katniss’s sister
  6. 10. The place were the hunger games are held