Hunger Games Catching Fire

  1. 2. Can make a fish hook out of anything
  2. 5. Johanna's weapon
  3. 7. lets keep on schedule
  4. 9. Peeta's last gift
  5. 11. Designed beautiful dresses
  6. 12. Finnick's weapon
  7. 13. They control everything in the area
  8. 16. Kaniss's weapon
  9. 18. center of arena
  10. 19. Boy with the bread
  11. 20. Drink up
  12. 21. Girl on fire
  13. 23. Quell 75th annual hunger games
  14. 24. People pay me with secrets
  1. 1. Mayors Daughter
  2. 3. Can set a snare
  3. 4. male tribute from district three
  4. 6. District seven lumber
  5. 8. tick tock
  6. 10. Jaberjays, and monkeys are what?
  7. 14. Snow:Smells of roses and blood
  8. 15. Drunk tribute
  9. 17. female tribute from district three
  10. 18. Hosts the interviews
  11. 22. little sister