Hunger Games Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Little girl that helps Katniss
  2. 4. Katniss’ best friend and hunting partner
  3. 6. Katniss’ last name
  4. 8. Madge gave her this before she went in The Games
  5. 10. Katniss’ Stylist
  6. 12. Games Katniss and Peeta participate in
  7. 13. Country The Hunger Games is in
  8. 14. Main characters district
  9. 15. The black market where Katniss sells her food that she hunted
  1. 1. Hates Katniss and wants her dead
  2. 2. Katniss does this to save Prim from participating in the Hunger Games
  3. 5. Pretends to love Katniss then falls for her
  4. 7. Escort for District 12
  5. 9. Hunger Games main character
  6. 11. Poorest region of Distrcict 12 where Katniss lives
  7. 12. District 12’s Hunger Games Mentor
  8. 16. Katniss’ signature weapon