Hunters long ago!

  1. 1. marked by danger
  2. 3. to cause to separate and go in different directions
  3. 5. not civilized, barbaric, wild
  4. 8. to remain alive or in existence
  5. 11. made up
  6. 13. means of support
  7. 14. certain , assured
  8. 15. a passage through or under barrier
  9. 16. a very hard , fine grained quartz that sparks as steel
  10. 17. find something unexpectedly
  11. 19. a person who studies nature
  1. 2. an unexpected and undesirable event
  2. 4. capable of harming or killing
  3. 6. acting directly to produce effect
  4. 7. a person who studies human history
  5. 9. a person from whom one is descended
  6. 10. to move about without a definite destination or purpose
  7. 12. preserved to become a fossil
  8. 14. relying on requiring the aid of another support
  9. 18. fit to be eaten