Hydraulics and Pneumatics

  1. 3. anything that flows
  2. 5. the ability to decrease the size of a fluid
  3. 8. a fluid that has a high viscosity
  4. 9. when you increase the density of a fluid you _______ pressure
  5. 10. how we measure viscosity
  6. 11. a system that uses gases under pressure
  7. 13. the cardiovascular system uses veins and arteries like ______ to move blood in the body
  8. 14. when you increase the _____ of a fluid, you decrease the viscosity
  9. 15. a system that uses water and other liquids under pressure
  10. 16. the amount of space matter takes up
  1. 1. this acts like the compressor for the respiratory system
  2. 2. the amount of matter in a specific volume
  3. 4. how much a liquid can flow
  4. 5. the heart act as a ______ to pump blood
  5. 6. a fluid with a love viscosity
  6. 7. the particles in a fluid are in constant ________
  7. 12. when there is an applied force on a fluid
  8. 17. the amount of matter in an object