- 3. Acceptable amount of clothing for _____ and weather conditions. Adequate cover of body, not to much and not to little.
- 4. Ensure clothing is ________ fastened, zipped and tied
- 6. Make sure that the clothes are the proper ____ and length
- 7. is applied in moderate amounts and on appropriate areas of face
- 9. A shower _____ keeps bathing supplies within easy reach
- 10. look clean and free of excessive dandruff, lint, dirt, food, and other foreign material, and excessive wrinkles
- 12. free of excessive dandruff, oil, visible dirt or foreign particles (leaves, grass, lint, food ect)
- 1. free of dirt under nails; hands (front and back) and wrists free of dirt, grime, tobacco ect.
- 2. Hair is _____ out of the eyes and flows the same direction on each side, back and top of head.
- 5. A ______ soap dispenser may be easier to use than a bar of soap
- 8. Visible parts of the face and neck are clear of dirt and varied foreign particles (shaving cream, food, mucus, saliva, dirt).
- 11. are free of food particles, tobacco, or excessive film.