- 3. A kitchen could have an infestation of this
- 4. chopping board used for root vegetables
- 5. A type of contamination that you can see in the food
- 7. where near should be stored in the fridge
- 8. A bacteria that like cold temperatures and lives in said and cheese
- 10. chopping board used for cooked meats
- 12. A chopping method
- 14. A type of contamination that cannot be seen and is normally used for cleaning
- 15. chopping board used for raw meat
- 17. the highest temperature a fridge should be
- 1. what happens to bacteria in the danger zone
- 2. chopping board used for salads
- 6. A bacteria that lives in raw meat and eggs
- 9. chopping board used for fish
- 11. A bacteria that lives in stagnant water
- 13. chopping board used for dairy and bread
- 16. what happens to bacteria above 75 degrees