- 2. Recommended type of underwear
- 3. Number one cause of oral cancer
- 4. Less likely to cause gum bleeding/irritation
- 7. Structure in the brain that produces GnRH
- 10. The body's chemical messengers
- 12. Gland that produces oil
- 13. Sweat gland that can be found in the armpit
- 14. Hand washing is the _____ line of defense
- 15. Sunscreen should be used
- 17. Temperature that should be used to wash face
- 18. Disease that can cause teeth to fall out
- 1. Caused by poor oral health and infection that spread to the heart
- 5. Softens tooth enamel
- 6. Not a substitute for brushing teeth
- 8. Causes skin damage
- 9. How often hair should be washed
- 11. Practices to maintain health and prevent disease
- 14. Helps lift dirt
- 15. Apply lotion when skin is
- 16. How to dry face after washing