
  1. 2. Recommended type of underwear
  2. 3. Number one cause of oral cancer
  3. 4. Less likely to cause gum bleeding/irritation
  4. 7. Structure in the brain that produces GnRH
  5. 10. The body's chemical messengers
  6. 12. Gland that produces oil
  7. 13. Sweat gland that can be found in the armpit
  8. 14. Hand washing is the _____ line of defense
  9. 15. Sunscreen should be used
  10. 17. Temperature that should be used to wash face
  11. 18. Disease that can cause teeth to fall out
  1. 1. Caused by poor oral health and infection that spread to the heart
  2. 5. Softens tooth enamel
  3. 6. Not a substitute for brushing teeth
  4. 8. Causes skin damage
  5. 9. How often hair should be washed
  6. 11. Practices to maintain health and prevent disease
  7. 14. Helps lift dirt
  8. 15. Apply lotion when skin is
  9. 16. How to dry face after washing