Hygiene Skills

  1. 3. Wipe well after using the _______
  2. 5. use plenty of _____ when washing your hands
  3. 9. Change your ____ every day
  4. 11. ____ your teeth every morning and night
  5. 12. You should wash your ____ before eating, after using the bathroom, or after touching something unsanitary
  6. 14. Use this when food is messy
  7. 15. Use this to blow your nose or cough into
  8. 19. Wear your ___ around others to decrease the risk of spreading disease
  9. 20. Wear ____ outside so your feet are less likely to get dirty.
  10. 22. Keep your _____ clean and trimmed
  11. 24. Use warm ____ to wash your hands or dishes
  12. 25. You should do this at least every other day to keep your body clean
  1. 1. Avoid touching your ____
  2. 2. Rinse out your mouth with ______
  3. 4. Wear deodorant every day to decrease body odor
  4. 6. Clean your _____ if you have them so you can see better
  5. 7. Wipe down these to keep them free from germs
  6. 8. If your clothing gets wet or dirty, do this so you can stay clean
  7. 10. Clothing should not have ___ or stains and should fit correctly
  8. 13. Wear clean ____ to make sure your feet don't stink
  9. 16. Use hand _____ when you don't have time to wash your hands
  10. 17. You should wash your hands for _____ seconds
  11. 18. ____ your teeth after brushing
  12. 21. Brush or comb your ____ every day
  13. 23. When your clothing is dirty, _____ it before wearing it again