- 4. This is the unit we are studying right now in health
- 9. Joe owns a _____ bin which he puts the peels of his food in
- 10. John used something more than once. He ______ it
- 11. A disease that does not spread from person to person (no spaces)
- 12. Each room in the building has a bin which is used for ________ paper
- 13. John Jr. Has trouble seeing things close up. This is an example of
- 15. John tried recycled his trash to try to _______ the amount if trash in landfills
- 1. The black death is an example of this, when the rats spread it.
- 2. Asthma is an example of a ______ (no spaces)
- 3. This word attacks other pathogens that are invading the body.
- 5. John has trouble seeing things that are far away. He is _________
- 6. At the rock concert the band was playing at 120 _________
- 7. John owns an inhaler because he has _______
- 8. This organism caused a disease to form in someone that spread to other people
- 14. Inside of Johns body, a foreign chemical is invading. ______ Comes out to fight this chemical.