
  1. 4. the thicker inner layer of the skin
  2. 6. the thinner outer layer of the skin is the
  3. 8. a skin condition caused by overly active oil glands
  4. 9. tooth decay begins with; a soft colorless sticky film
  5. 10. a substance that fights tooth decay
  6. 11. hygiene to the hygiene practices that prevents or minimizes disease and the spreading of diseases
  1. 1. a cream or lotion that filters out some UV rays
  2. 2. a non living band of outer skin
  3. 3. hygiene like brushing your teeth and flossing
  4. 5. hygiene Mouthwash is an important part of
  5. 7. is flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells
  6. 9. hygiene is your hygiene for your body