- 4. Make sure bedding is free of _____ to prevent pressure injury
- 7. Need to fit appropriately to prevent oral injury
- 8. Bruising
- 14. Radiation, evaporation, conduction and convection (Function of the skin)
- 16. Swelling
- 17. Full thickness skin and tissue loss with involvement and damage of underlying structures (pressure Injury)
- 19. Common finding with oral problems
- 20. Touch, pain, heat, cold, and pressure (Function of the skin)
- 23. Provide _____ when bathing/showering/helping to toilet
- 1. Redness due to vasodilation
- 2. Risk Assessment for pressure injury
- 3. Mucous ________ should be moist and pink
- 5. Can cause a blockage in the ears
- 6. Dry mouth
- 9. Bad breath
- 10. Cleanliness is seen differently in different ______
- 11. Hair loss
- 12. From microorganisms (Function of the skin)
- 13. Sebum lubricates skin and hair (Function of the skin)
- 15. Encourage mobility or Reposition every two hours to _______ pressure injury
- 16. Artificial eyes
- 18. Alterations can indicate pain, ill fitting shoes, and sensation impairment
- 21. Sweat promotes heat loss (Function of the skin)
- 22. Decrease in blood flow to tissues/death due to lack of o2 & nutrients