
  1. 4. Make sure bedding is free of _____ to prevent pressure injury
  2. 7. Need to fit appropriately to prevent oral injury
  3. 8. Bruising
  4. 14. Radiation, evaporation, conduction and convection (Function of the skin)
  5. 16. Swelling
  6. 17. Full thickness skin and tissue loss with involvement and damage of underlying structures (pressure Injury)
  7. 19. Common finding with oral problems
  8. 20. Touch, pain, heat, cold, and pressure (Function of the skin)
  9. 23. Provide _____ when bathing/showering/helping to toilet
  1. 1. Redness due to vasodilation
  2. 2. Risk Assessment for pressure injury
  3. 3. Mucous ________ should be moist and pink
  4. 5. Can cause a blockage in the ears
  5. 6. Dry mouth
  6. 9. Bad breath
  7. 10. Cleanliness is seen differently in different ______
  8. 11. Hair loss
  9. 12. From microorganisms (Function of the skin)
  10. 13. Sebum lubricates skin and hair (Function of the skin)
  11. 15. Encourage mobility or Reposition every two hours to _______ pressure injury
  12. 16. Artificial eyes
  13. 18. Alterations can indicate pain, ill fitting shoes, and sensation impairment
  14. 21. Sweat promotes heat loss (Function of the skin)
  15. 22. Decrease in blood flow to tissues/death due to lack of o2 & nutrients