
  1. 3. a decrease in blood pressure occurs as a result of this change in diameter size of vessels
  2. 4. vasoconstriction results in this change to blood pressure
  3. 6. this type of hypertensive crisis includes target organ damage
  4. 8. hypertensive patients with no symptoms are considered:
  5. 9. diabetes leads to hypertension as a result of this type of chronic change seen with lack of glycemic control
  6. 11. diet recommended for patients with heart disease including hypertension
  1. 1. Sudden, excruciating chest and back pain and possibly reduced or absent pulses in extremities are indicative of this hypertensive emergency complication
  2. 2. diabetes results in this type of hypertension
  3. 5. damage to this organ indicates severe or prolonged hypertension and prior damage to the heart, brain and kidneys
  4. 7. blood pressure is a measurement of _____________ multiplied by systemic vascular resistance
  5. 10. a patient with a BP of 168/112 falls into this hypertensive classification