
  1. 2. hypertension grade for 14-159 systole and 90-99 diastole-GRADEONE
  2. 5. the essential laboratory test for hypertension patients with diabetes-MICROALBIMINURIA
  3. 8. 10 year very high risk categories for score includes-DIABETES MELLITUS
  1. 1. this drug causes temperory increase in blood pressure as side effect-DECONGESTANTS
  2. 3. assesment ov hypertension that includes more detailed evaluation-ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
  3. 4. most important part of medical history taking of suspected hypertension patient-FAMILYHISTORY
  4. 6. the disease that has been called the silent killer related to circulatory system-HYPERTENSION
  5. 7. brain in hypertension has.... In dramatic stage-STROKE