Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease

  1. 4. Type of fracture that is possible for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and is why 1-RM testing is contraindictated
  2. 6. A systolic blood pressure range of 120-129 would be considered _______
  3. 8. A _______ filtration rate of less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m^2 for at least 3 months is an indicator test to help in the diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease
  4. 10. Hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells but is not produced as often in someone with Chronic Kidney Disease and can lead to anemia
  5. 13. The cardiac relaxation portion of blood pressure
  6. 15. Defined clinically as systolic blood pressure at or over 130 and diastolic blood pressure at or over 80, or taking medication for it
  7. 17. Chronic Kidney Disease in the US is expected to _________ due to the increasing number of people with diabetes and hypertension
  8. 19. Percentage of kidney function lost that symptoms of kidney deterioration usually show up at
  9. 20. A treatment that removes excess water, solutes, and toxins from the blood in people with Chronic Kidney Disease, also known as renal replacement therapy,
  1. 1. _______ blockers- type of medicine that can cause a reduction in submaximal and maximal exercise capacity
  2. 2. Type of hypertension medication that works by decreasing peripheral resistance
  3. 3. Causes reabsorption of sodium by the kidneys which leads to an increase in water retention and blood pressure
  4. 5. Type of adaptation to exercise for people with hypertension that involves a decrease in sympathetic nervous system activity and an increase in baroreceptor and insulin sensitivity
  5. 7. beta blockers and diuretics may impair this in the body, making it harder to regulate heat in a hot or humid environment
  6. 9. Post-exercise ______ is a response seen after exercise that causes blood pressure to drop drastically especially in those with hypertension
  7. 11. Metabolic disease that is involved in 44% of new cases of Chronic Kidney Disease
  8. 12. Receive about 21% of cardiac output in the body and are responsible of separating waste from the blood
  9. 14. Type of hypertension caused by an underlying condition
  10. 16. Exercise performed during dialysis should be performed during the ________ half of the treatment
  11. 18. Hypertension is often called the “____ disease” because most people don’t have specific signs or symptoms