Hypertension & Kidney Disease

  1. 3. the product of cardiac output and TPR
  2. 5. 1-RM testing is generally ________ in patients with CKD
  3. 7. uncontrolled hypertension can lead to this
  4. 8. 90-95% of HTN cases
  5. 9. primary cause of CKD
  6. 14. progressive deterioration of the kidney's blood filtration functions
  7. 15. protein that elevates blood pressure
  8. 18. generally caused by an underlying condition
  9. 19. key regulator of BP during exercise
  10. 20. common kind of drug employed to treat hypertension
  11. 21. can jump start kidney infection
  1. 1. should be obtained before beginning exercise program for patients with CKD
  2. 2. reduced kidney function
  3. 4. BP response immediately after exercise
  4. 6. type of exercise that helps treatment of HTN
  5. 10. second frequent cause of CKD
  6. 11. kidneys eliminate ______ from the body
  7. 12. low RBC production
  8. 13. best form of treatment for CKD
  9. 16. last resort of CKD treatment
  10. 17. Kidneys regulate this kind of cell production