
  1. 4. body's glycogen stores
  2. 5. is a condition in which the blood glucose level is lower than normal level.
  3. 8. disorders can commonly experience low blood sugar
  4. 10. using a glucose monitor is key.
  5. 12. of the pancreas can cause excessive insulin to be released
  6. 15. or orange juice are good to treat low blood sugar levels
  7. 18. blood sugar is defined as below 70 mg/dL.
  8. 19. symptom for tiredness
  9. 21. carbohydrates are important to keep on diabetic patient.
  10. 22. gel can be applied to the patient's mouth if in a diabetic coma.
  11. 25. hypoglycemia is also known as postprandial hypoglycemia
  12. 26. carbohydrates can contribute to hypoglycemia.
  13. 28. blood sugar 15 minutes after treatment
  14. 29. of glucagon can be used to treat hypoglycemia
  15. 34. alcohol drinking can cause hypoglycemia
  16. 35. hypoglycemia can lead to seizure, loss of consciousness and death.
  17. 38. blood to analyze blood sugar levels
  18. 39. of hepatic gluconeogenesis is the mechanism of action of metformin.
  19. 40. is the body's main source of energy.
  20. 43. diabetes with less insulin can lead to uncontrolled diabetes.
  21. 44. diabetes experiences hypoglycemia most commonly.
  22. 47. acids/ glycerol are non-carbohydrate compounds.
  23. 48. is the number one factor in this condition in those non diabetic.
  24. 49. or meal can keep normal blood sugar levels
  1. 1. is the most severe outcome for those with this condition.
  2. 2. hepatitis can result due to inability to degrade medications effectively.
  3. 3. brain injury can occur if extremely low blood sugar
  4. 6. is a device used to monitor blood sugar levels.
  5. 7. turns non-carbohydrate compounds and turns them into glucose.
  6. 9. brain damage can happen in a short time.
  7. 11. hypoglycemia happens just hours after patients eat.
  8. 13. may occur in those with severe untreated hypoglycemia.
  9. 14. 15 grams of fast-acting carbs
  10. 16. symptom for desire to eat
  11. 17. bypass surgery patients can experience reactive hypoglycemia
  12. 20. is a pathway which breaks down glucose into pyruvate and free energy (ATP).
  13. 22. deficiencies may cause key hormones not to regulate glucose production
  14. 23. can occur if blood glucose levels are 41-49mg/dL.
  15. 24. is one of the most common, increasingly chronic health conditions in America.
  16. 27. is an example of an antihyperglycemia agent.
  17. 30. over-production can result in low blood sugar.
  18. 31. BG levels avoid hospital visits
  19. 32. food that is made of sugar substitutes.
  20. 33. agents will lower glucose levels
  21. 36. 15 minutes then test blood glucose again
  22. 37. sugar foods or drinks, treat hypoglycemia.
  23. 41. glucose monitors (CGM) are an option of diabetics.
  24. 42. symptom of released of liquid from body's sweat gland
  25. 45. symptom of involuntary movement
  26. 46. disorders should be evaluated due to lack of proper diet.