
  1. 4. People can be termed this when their A1C level is at the borderline level for becoming diabetic.
  2. 6. When the body eats, it will break down food into ____ and send it into the blood.
  3. 7. In the treatment termed 15-15 rule the second 15 stands for 15 ___ to check the glucose level has risen.
  4. 8. If this organ is impaired to can cause the low sugars to occur.
  5. 11. Another route for glucagon to be administered is through the nose termed this.
  6. 13. Not eating for very long periods of time is termed this and not recommended for hypoglycemia.
  7. 15. his kind of carbohydrate can contain fats and carbs which can slow the absorption of glucose and not be used as emergency treatment.
  8. 17. A sign of hypoglycemia can be having frequent sensations or urges to vomit which is termed this.
  9. 25. Eating to much when hypoglycemic can cause blood glucose levels to _____.
  10. 26. Hypoglycemia can be this which means it can run in the family history.
  11. 27. Low blood glucose is most common in people with this type of diabetes.
  12. 28. If the blood glucose stays to low for to long it is starving this part of the body from glucose.
  13. 32. Using intense insulin therapy to maintain _____ glucose levels can avoid hypoglycemia.
  14. 33. This hormone is produced in the pancreas and will stimulate the liver to release stored glucose when the levels are low.
  15. 34. Vision become hazy or this when brain doesn't get enough sugar.
  16. 35. Diabetes can be treated with healthy eating and this.
  17. 36. A1C test will measure glucose control over the past __ months.
  18. 37. The 'hypo' in hypoglycemia is termed as ___ levels of blood sugar.
  19. 38. experiencing this during sleep can show a severe sign of the disease.
  20. 39. Once sugars enter the cells it can be used for fuel energy right away or ___ for later.
  21. 40. When the body doesn't use insulin properly it is termed inulin this.
  22. 42. When blood sugars are low it can cause people to have this kind of small uncontrolled movement when being weak.
  23. 45. Having high sugar levels can be termed this.
  24. 46. If there are symptoms of hypoglycemia this many times a week then a healthcare provider should be notified.
  25. 48. Focusing on a balanced diet with these types of options can control blood glucose levels.
  26. 49. Pregnant woman can experience hypoglycemia and the diabetes term is this.
  1. 1. Increased exercise or physical this can cause low blood sugar.
  2. 2. Once insulin helps the sugar move sugar to the blood it then moves to this.
  3. 3. Excessive this during the night time can be a sign of hypoglycemia.
  4. 5. This type of events can lead to hypoglycemia which can be linked to arrhythmias and mortality.
  5. 9. Diabetics can cause hypoglycemia by injecting to much of this type of medication.
  6. 10. This is a medical machine used to test the blood sugar levels in the blood.
  7. 12. Feeling unsteady, weak or faint is termed this, which is a symptom of hypoglycemia.
  8. 14. This class of medications include glipizide and glyburide can used orally to treat hypoglycemia.
  9. 16. In the treatment termed 15-15 rule the first 15 stands for 15 ___ of carbohydrates to raise blood glucose.
  10. 18. This can happen in severe hypoglycemic situations which includes out of control body jerks.
  11. 19. Drinking this on an empty stomach can cause hypoglycemia.
  12. 20. The main type of medication in the biguanides class is named this.
  13. 21. Twice a year this should be tested from bloodwork
  14. 22. Using a needle device this area of the body is poked to collect the blood sample for the glucometer test.
  15. 23. When the blood glucose levels are less than ___ mg/dL it is a concern for hypoglycemia.
  16. 24. People who don't show any symptoms are considered hypoglycemia ____.
  17. 29. The speech can become this when the blood sugar is extremely low and unable to speak clearly.
  18. 30. This is the bodies main energy source.
  19. 31. hypoglycemia is related to this disease treatment.
  20. 34. ___ meals the blood glucose range should be 80 to 130 mg/dl.
  21. 41. Glucagon can be administered this route that goes right into the blood stream
  22. 43. In order to get the blood sugar back to normal range, ____ sugar foods should be consumed.
  23. 44. This should be managed by all patients and be a priority in managing diabetes and hypoglycemia.
  24. 47. In type 1 diabetes the immune system uses ___ cells in the pancreas as foreign invaders and will destroy them.