I Dream of Freedom

  1. 2. white americans consider blacks
  2. 6. first black child to attend a white school
  3. 7. to treat unequally
  4. 11. to separate from authors, to set apart
  5. 12. the state of being free or at liberty
  6. 13. an estimated 59,000 people attend to this
  7. 15. the most visible agents of black power
  8. 18. the ability or quality that makes one a leader
  9. 19. memoria whare MLKjr speech took place
  10. 20. a formal and solemn declaration of objection
  1. 1. the state of being equal
  2. 3. was born on January 15, 1929
  3. 4. have a dream famous speech by Martin Luther king Jr
  4. 5. moral rightness
  5. 8. pertaining to relation between races of people
  6. 9. refuse to violence
  7. 10. a strongly perpise or goal
  8. 14. league a group of angry white men
  9. 16. rights of personal liberty
  10. 17. a public adress