I got the "SUGARZ"

  1. 2. This type of diabetes accounts for 90-95% of all diabetes
  2. 5. Type of short acting insulin
  3. 7. Term used to describe diabetes nerve disease
  4. 9. This disease can cause blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, strokes, and amputations
  5. 10. Type of sugar found in the bloodstream
  6. 12. Type of insulin regimen that is no longer used as a monotherapy
  7. 14. Individuals with diabetes should inspect these every day
  8. 15. This hormone moves glucose from the blood into the cells
  9. 19. This should be checked within 30 minutes of a meal
  10. 20. 1 slice of bread, has this many grams of carbs
  1. 1. These hormones decrease the effectiveness of insulin and make your liver dump more glucose into your bloodstream
  2. 3. ___ for Diabetes is a prevention program offered at SAH
  3. 4. A1C of 5.7-6.4% is indicative of what disease
  4. 5. Term used for blood glucose greater than 140mg/dl
  5. 6. This type of diabetes is where the body no longer produces insulin
  6. 8. This simple blood test measures your average blood sugar level over the past 3 months
  7. 11. This organ makes insulin
  8. 13. This habit increases your risk for diabetes complications and heart disease
  9. 16. A type of long acting insulin
  10. 17. This is the inpatient Diabetes Educator at SAH
  11. 18. Education for hospitalized diabetes patients should focus on ____ ____