I Had a Dream!

  1. 2. Was one of the first men to be given the ability to interpret dreams by God.
  2. 4. Pictures which run through my mind while I am awake.
  3. 7. A vision we have while asleep.
  4. 8. This spiritual gift is very similar to the ability to interpret dreams.
  5. 10. It is important to ____________ a dream with the help of others.
  1. 1. Had a dream telling him to look for someone named Peter, living in Joppa.
  2. 3. Had a dream that revealed to him the need to preach the gospel to all men.
  3. 5. Many dreams have _________ in them which must be carefully interpreted.
  4. 6. A dream that is produced by a spirit that is against God.
  5. 9. A dream produced by our mind and emotions.