I Have a Dream

  1. 4. great trouble/misery
  2. 7. a technique a speaker or writer uses to win an audience to their side/persuade them to do something
  3. 8. comparison between literal/nonliteral
  4. 12. reuse of words, phrases, ideas or themes in your speech.
  5. 13. I.O.U/promise to pay
  6. 15. the atmosphere a speaker/writer creates
  7. 16. lifted/elevated
  8. 17. Signed by Abraham Lincoln, freed states seceeding with the union
  9. 18. religious term/consecrated
  10. 19. growing weak or suffering
  11. 21. a love for one's country
  1. 1. The "break up letter" from the Colonist to Great Britain
  2. 2. the belief that everyone can work hard to have success/opportunity
  3. 3. the matching of the forms of words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence.
  4. 5. riches/success
  5. 6. sacred/holy
  6. 9. cruel/unusual treatment
  7. 10. A written charter of law
  8. 11. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution
  9. 14. make amends/payback
  10. 20. a set of beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions (often religious)