  1. 2. The exercise of authority in a cruel or unjust manner
  2. 3. Serving to redeem
  3. 4. Failure to act
  4. 5. An act or instance of discriminating or making a distinction
  5. 7. The act or practice of segregating
  6. 8. Containing or implying a promise
  7. 11. A small village
  8. 12. From which one cannot extricate oneself
  9. 17. To shrivel, fade, decay
  10. 18. Not alienable or transferable to another
  11. 19. Regarded as holy
  12. 20. Extraordinary in size amount, extent, degree
  1. 1. The policy of achieving a goal by gradual steps
  2. 6. An act of instance of nullifying
  3. 9. To be or become weak or feeble
  4. 10. To raise in some rank, honor, or power
  5. 13. Any system or formula of religious belief as of a denomination
  6. 14. A shackle for the hand; handcuff
  7. 15. Grievous trouble, severe trouble, suffering
  8. 16. Suffering; oppressive heat