I Have a Dream

  1. 2. agreeing with the Constitution
  2. 3. in a way impossible to untangle
  3. 6. to show public feeling by meeting, marching, or gathering
  4. 8. to work against
  5. 12. disobey
  6. 15. deserted, dreary, lifeless
  7. 16. to embarrass
  8. 17. to be poor
  9. 20. to refuse to buy, sell, or use
  10. 21. to make public places of all races on an equal basis
  11. 23. leader of a church
  1. 1. act of showing unfair difference in treatment
  2. 2. to refuse to obey a law one feels is not right. A peaceful protest
  3. 4. knowing what is right or wrong
  4. 5. to give a sermon
  5. 7. acting to save someone from error or evil
  6. 9. to separate a racial or religious group
  7. 10. rights citizens treated equally
  8. 11. failure to act
  9. 12. become worse; deteriorate
  10. 13. a person owned by another person
  11. 14. high regard, honor, esteem
  12. 18. groups of people of the same kind
  13. 19. opinions formed without knowledge or taking time to judge the facts fairly
  14. 22. respect