I Have A Dream

  1. 2. being made up of different parts all working together (usually music)
  2. 5. uncomfortably hot
  3. 6. movement
  4. 8. to be sent away from your home or place of belonging
  5. 10. slowly, a little at a time
  6. 14. a cause of great trouble or suffering
  7. 15. to fail to make progress or move forward
  8. 18. to be between two opposing ideas
  9. 20. not able to be taken away
  10. 22. to cut or carve out
  11. 23. felling that there is no hope
  12. 24. ill-treatment because of race, religion or beliefs
  13. 25. to make a promise to re pay a debt (money)
  14. 29. point of entry, doorway
  15. 30. shwoing decline, less than acceptable
  16. 32. followers, fans
  17. 33. any person that is not Jewish
  1. 1. the qualities of a person that makes them who they are
  2. 3. unaware, not knowing
  3. 4. to cancel, to make not valid
  4. 7. to be made strong, to be full of energy
  5. 9. failure to fulfill a promise (usually to repay money)
  6. 11. becomming dry and shriveled, decaying
  7. 12. a public or official announcement
  8. 13. worth of respect, sense of pride in one's self
  9. 16. part of a neighborhood characterized by crime and poverty
  10. 17. sacred, honored, holy
  11. 18. unable to be seperated
  12. 19. being morally right or justified
  13. 21. journey to accomplish a purpose of find an object
  14. 25. large, impressive, grand
  15. 26. ongoing control or mistreatment
  16. 27. metal band or chain used to restrain someone
  17. 28. statement of belief
  18. 31. to save someone from error or evil