I Love Amy

  1. 1. dessert in slices
  2. 2. Magic Month
  3. 3. Camp Mud Flood
  4. 5. Our first born
  5. 9. Where we met
  6. 11. Queen of Hyperbole
  7. 12. Utterer of M-T
  8. 13. Where David's from
  9. 14. Magic Year
  10. 16. Where we live
  11. 17. Apple of Norm's eye
  12. 19. Whomper at happy hour
  1. 1. Is too nice to shark bait (x3)
  2. 4. Famous Mabel from Scotia
  3. 6. Wild PCS Musical
  4. 7. Our second born
  5. 8. Where Amy's from
  6. 10. G&S College Troupe
  7. 13. Japanese-English for "not suppai"
  8. 15. softest cat
  9. 18. mischievous cat
  10. 20. Magic Day