I love you

  1. 2. Your favourite colour?
  2. 5. when we sleep you steal all the…
  3. 7. What do we have matching of?
  4. 9. Your favourite movie
  5. 12. we’re really good at spending…
  6. 15. My middle name?
  7. 16. I like you have a…
  8. 18. According to you, you Can never have to much
  9. 19. your____ always make me feel better
  10. 21. How many dogs are we going to have?
  1. 1. you never let me…
  2. 3. Better than kids…
  3. 4. we have matching…
  4. 5. I don't go to bed because I da…
  5. 6. you make me extremely…
  6. 8. where did we meet?
  7. 10. No kids means we can have lots of…
  8. 11. My favourite colour?
  9. 13. Where do we have a house and a shed?
  10. 14. the month we became official
  11. 17. My favourite cars movie
  12. 20. who said I love you first?