i love you my love <3

  1. 4. my favorite color
  2. 7. the month we started dating
  3. 9. the person who wears the pants
  4. 12. my sign
  5. 14. my husband
  6. 15. My job
  7. 18. my favorite hobby
  8. 19. my pets name
  9. 21. your favorite color
  1. 1. my favorite animal
  2. 2. ur pets name
  3. 3. your favorite sport
  4. 5. another thing we want
  5. 6. our favorite food place
  6. 8. sport I did in high school
  7. 10. Our first concert
  8. 11. something we both want in the future
  9. 13. your sign
  10. 16. the thing we both are
  11. 17. the physical feature I love on you
  12. 20. number of kids we want