I Love You!!

  1. 2. Our favourite bit of Te Papa are the ...
  2. 4. How many years have we now been engaged?
  3. 6. When I get out of the shower you always tell me to be...
  4. 7. Month we got together
  5. 9. What special name did I make up for when we 'front snuggle'
  6. 11. Our favourite baby
  7. 13. What park did we always used to go to in our early days?
  8. 14. At whose birthday did we kindle our relationship?
  1. 1. What part of your body do you love me to scratch?
  2. 3. Two... where we are going for our nanniversary dinner
  3. 5. Where we are going in two weeks!
  4. 8. We went to this restaurant for dinner after we got engaged
  5. 10. How many years have we been together?
  6. 12. Two thousand and .... what year we first said 'love you'