I Samuel 13-18

  1. 6. Oldest brother of David
  2. 7. In I Samuel 15:22, what does Samuel tell Saul is better than sacrifice?
  3. 10. In I Samuel 14:35, what did Saul build for the first time to atone for the sins the men had committed?
  4. 12. The Lord regretted that he had chosen this man to be king of Israel
  5. 13. Second king anointed by Samuel
  6. 14. Loved David as much as himself
  7. 18. Where had Saul set up a monument in his own honor?
  8. 20. Daughter of Saul given to David to marry
  9. 21. Philistine champion from Gath
  10. 24. What came powerfully upon David on the day he was anointed?
  11. 26. Executed Agag
  1. 1. Oldest daughter of Saul
  2. 2. For how many days had Goliath challenged Israel to send out a man to fight him?
  3. 3. Saul said, "As surely as the Lord who rescues Israel lives, even if the ______ lies with my son Jonathan, he must die."
  4. 4. What did Saul throw at David as he played the lyre to try to kill him?
  5. 5. Father of David
  6. 8. Jonathan said, "Nothing can hinder the Lord from _________, whether by many or by few."
  7. 9. What weapon did David use to kill Goliath?
  8. 11. King of the Amalekites
  9. 15. What did Jonathan eat when he unknowingly broke an oath of Saul?
  10. 16. So on that day, the Lord saved _________, and the battle moved on to Beth Aven.
  11. 17. What did Saul tell Ahijah the priest to bring out to the battle?
  12. 19. Who did David say would rescue him from the hands of the Philistines?
  13. 22. Commander of Saul's army
  14. 23. Samuel told Saul, "You have not kept the ________ the Lord your God gave you."
  15. 25. What does the Lord say he looks at instead of outward appearance?