I Samuel 8-12

  1. 1. Saul's father
  2. 5. Samuel ______ Saul with a vial of oil
  3. 6. The Ammonite that came against Jabesh-gilead
  4. 7. Saul "hath hid himself among the _____"
  5. 9. Samuel called unto the Lord and the Lord sent ___ and rain
  6. 11. Samuel's sons "took _____, and perverted judgment"
  1. 2. All the people shouted, "God ____ the king."
  2. 3. "Is Saul also among the ______?"
  3. 4. The people told Samuel: "Make us a _____"
  4. 8. Samuel told the people that a king would "take your _____, and your vineyards"
  5. 10. "God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to ___ for you"