I saw a mask dance in Andong

  1. 2. see
  2. 6. your parents mother
  3. 8. eat
  4. 9. know
  5. 11. when food tastes really good
  6. 14. when you go to buy things
  7. 16. capital of England
  8. 17. used to cover your face
  9. 18. do
  1. 1. buy
  2. 2. when something unexpected happens
  3. 3. Korean alphabet
  4. 4. go
  5. 5. used to eat food
  6. 7. a famous place in Korea
  7. 10. Saturday and Sunday
  8. 12. Ben famous clock tower
  9. 13. Korean houses
  10. 15. Korean paper
  11. 17. make