IBS - Chapter 5 - Business Communication

  1. 2. To reach a number of people with the same message use this communication channel.
  2. 5. This is a preconception about members of a particular group. Common forms of this include perceptions about gender, age, race, ethnicity or nationality.
  3. 6. When presenting to an audience, a compelling story or _________ is useful when it's completely genuine, using specific details that are directly relevant to the audience.
  4. 9. This communication channel uses start-of-the-art equipment.
  5. 12. This type of listening is attentive listening that occurs when the listener focuses his or her complete attention on the speaker.
  6. 13. This bias consists of words that suggest stereotypical attitudes toward a specific either a male or a female.
  7. 16. A barrier that includes everything from how you greet colleagues and establish eye contact to how you handle disagreement, eat business meals, and make small talk at meetings.
  8. 17. These type of errors will distract your reader from your writing and undermine your credibility.
  9. 19. Any interference that causes the message you send to be different from the message your audience understands.
  10. 20. Studies suggest that three days after a presentation, people retain 10% of what they heard from an oral presentation, 35% from a _________ presentation, and 65% from a combined _________ and oral presentation.
  1. 1. Analysis and consideration of your _________ should be a top priority after you choose your communication channel.
  2. 3. This communication channel has the highest channel richness (4 words).
  3. 4. This communication channel when you want a quick response back.
  4. 5. Communications _________ are obstacles to effective communication, typically defined in terms of physical, language, body language, cultural, perceptual, and organizational.
  5. 7. A barrier that involves how your audience perceives you and your agenda.
  6. 8. Dynamic _________ is a vibrant, compelling presentation style that grabs and holds the attention of the audience.
  7. 10. The transmission of information between a sender and a recipient.
  8. 11. This kind of communication does not use words. Common forms of nonverbal communication include gestures, posture, facial expressions, tone of voice, and eye contact.
  9. 14. Do not use this in either written or verbal communication unless you're absolutely certain that your audience will understand and appreciate it.
  10. 15. Open a presentation with engaging _________ to draw in your audience.
  11. 18. This is the various ways in which a message can be sent, ranging from one-on-one in-person meetings to Internet message boards.