"Icarus and Daedalus"

  1. 2. What is a labyrinth?
  2. 3. How did Icarus die in the water?
  3. 6. How did Icarus act?
  4. 9. What did Daedalus name the island?
  5. 10. built the labyrinth?
  6. 11. What inspired Daedalus to make wings?
  7. 13. What happens to Icarus's wings?
  1. 1. Icarus fell in to the?
  2. 4. built the wings for his son?
  3. 5. where there from?
  4. 7. fell to his death?
  5. 8. What is the name of Icarus's son?
  6. 9. The name of Daedalus's son?
  7. 12. What God were the wings offering to?