
  1. 1. starting price of ice
  2. 3. a name for ice when it is injected
  3. 4. what type of drug is ice
  4. 6. another name for ice starting with c
  5. 8. another way of taking ice, it can also be called bumping
  6. 10. this happens when ice is mixed with alcohol
  7. 11. what form does ice appear in
  8. 12. for someone who is addicted to ice
  9. 14. one of the long term effects-sad
  10. 15. another name for ice starting with s
  11. 16. a consequence for using ice
  12. 17. one of the short term effects-talking a lot
  1. 2. when ice it taken using a needle it is ______
  2. 5. a reason people use ice
  3. 7. the most ice will cost
  4. 9. if you use ice it will _____ you
  5. 13. a way of taking ice
  6. 15. another reason people use ice
  7. 18. is ice legal or illegal
  8. 19. a way ice is taken