
  1. 9. /this item allow you to open application
  2. 11. /computer can store a vast amount
  3. 13. /this is whre file permanently stored
  4. 14. /it comes with a case
  5. 18. /it is the greyed-out items
  6. 19. /represent the created documents
  7. 23. /contains a set of icon
  8. 24. /is a list of option
  9. 25. /to click it twice for a quick secession
  10. 26. /output
  11. 29. /this is the brain of your computer
  12. 31. /computer can process data in relatively
  13. 34. /to click the right mouse button
  14. 35. /computer process using ptepared instraction
  15. 36. /this device which operates like a tv set
  16. 38. /it controls the interface of your system to your harddrive
  17. 40. /represent the program
  18. 42. /computer can take series institution
  19. 44. /begginers user in using computer
  20. 45. /this is were the core componets of your computer reside
  21. 47. /to release the mouse button
  1. 1. /advence begginers in using computer
  2. 2. /the symbol following an item
  3. 3. /a keyboard cpmboination
  4. 4. /this is normally a read only drive
  5. 5. /it represet the contents of your computer
  6. 6. /it is a electric device
  7. 7. /this is where the user enters text commands
  8. 8. /to move the mouse pointer
  9. 10. /the left edge button of the taskbar
  10. 12. /computer can work in a repetitive manners without being exhuasted
  11. 15. /a folder that provides you with convinient place to store documents
  12. 16. /this icon displays other computers connected to your computer
  13. 17. /to point the mouse pointer at the object you want to selsct
  14. 20. /a point and click interface for entering commands
  15. 21. /located at the right edge of the taskbar
  16. 22. /it made up of electronic component and it is powered by electricty
  17. 25. /these are small grapical symbol
  18. 27. /extended experience in the application of computer operations
  19. 28. /to press and hold down a button while moving
  20. 30. /it contains the start button of the taskbar
  21. 32. /its is a small disk storage
  22. 33. /it need human intervention for the computer to work
  23. 37. /this cascade menu serve as a program manager
  24. 39. /input
  25. 41. /its is a checkmark
  26. 43. /it is place in which deleted objects
  27. 45. /the ram of your system is found in motherboard
  28. 46. /_ is the blank rectangular area of the screen