
  1. 3. Capable of making mistakes or being erroneous.
  2. 6. According to Merton, skepticism that scientists use to scrutinize evidence.
  3. 10. Popper’s principle that condenses the effort of scientists to refute or disprove theories.
  4. 11. Appeal to this is a logical fallacy.
  5. 12. What scientific knowledge is when scientific experts subject it to the process of rigorous scrutiny and come to a conclusion about it, either yea or nay.
  6. 14. Whose wager intends to persuade humans to believe in God.
  7. 16. Scientific method approach used by Darwin to propose evolution.
  8. 18. Approach to do science that is neither deductive nor inductive.
  1. 1. Model that placed the Earth as the center of the Universe…
  2. 2. Type of deduction that establishes a law of nature.
  3. 4. Secondary hypotheses often unconsciously assumed by scientists
  4. 5. Copernicus whose model proposed the Earth circled the Sun.
  5. 7. What Darwin did not have when he went on his voyage of the beagle and therefore, made his method NOT textbook style.
  6. 8. _____:religion; evidence: science.
  7. 9. What we call a science problem with which we cannot deal at the time…
  8. 10. Fallacy of affirming the consequent: when a _____ theory makes true predictions.
  9. 13. What telescopes were not enough to detect the stellar parallax… leading to an erroneous secondary hypothesis.
  10. 15. Method by which we were taught is school the truth of claims is established.
  11. 17. Main problem with deductive nomological model: it’s _____