- 4. when someone sees something and reports it
- 7. The first person they thought was the suspect
- 9. "I wont user that pan if it touched it"
- 12. Organization covering the crime
- 14. beep beep
- 16. We all have them but not one is the same
- 17. Until Death do us part
- 19. Tik tok investigators
- 21. How many victims were killed
- 22. Teacher Assistant
- 23. A set of 3
- 24. I have 4 paws and saw it all
- 25. What month did this crime take place
- 28. A place people go to further education
- 29. A coat for a knife
- 30. Suspect
- 1. What DNA?
- 2. Hershey chocolate and arrest
- 3. The street of the crime
- 5. The Victim whos photos were on the suspects phone
- 6. A object one of the victims only owed for a 24 hours
- 7. A group of boys who are all a part of a group
- 8. The media said I was on the first floor sleeping but I was not.
- 10. 18 pages
- 11. Another word for college
- 13. Type of murder weapon
- 15. Known for their potatoes and now murder
- 18. Following someone
- 20. Scoot scoot what wine on the floor?
- 24. Russia or Idaho?
- 26. two hours around and around
- 27. The quiet one