IGCSE Biology Pathogens and Immunity Crossword

  1. 2. a group of pathogen; examples include malaria and amoebic dysentery
  2. 5. this is a method that an antibody kills a pathogen; the antibody will start off a series of reactions in the blood which produce _______ to digest the pathogen
  3. 8. the cell that is produced when lymphocytes clone, to provide long-term immunity
  4. 9. the name of the way in which the body responds to pathogens, by producing antibodies
  5. 10. a group of pathogen; examples include cholera and syphilis
  6. 14. a method in which one gains long-term immunity through injecting a weakened or dead virus into them
  7. 17. short-term defence against a pathogen by antibodies acquired from another individual (e.g. from mother to infant)
  8. 18. the type of transmission where there is no direct human to human contact
  9. 19. the type of white blood cell that produces antibodies to destroy pathogens
  10. 21. a group of pathogen; examples include influenza and AIDS
  11. 22. person or animal in which the pathogen lives and breeds
  12. 23. organisms that carries a pathogen (e.g. mosquitoes are ______ for malaria)
  13. 25. a group of pathogen; examples include athlete's foot and ringworm
  14. 26. produced by lymphocytes, fits into the antigen on the outside of the pathogen
  1. 1. a disease causing organism
  2. 3. the passing of pathogen into the body
  3. 4. a type of chemical barrier that eliminates pathogens in one's stomach thanks to its high acidity
  4. 6. the type of immunity where there is defence against a pathogen by antibody production in the body (e.g. after infection)
  5. 7. the type of cells that produce insulin, and it is the cell that the immune system attacks when one has type 1 diabetes
  6. 8. the type of barrier that is a structure and makes it hard for pathogens to get past them and enter the body
  7. 11. the process in which one type of white blood cell 'eats' pathogen
  8. 12. a chemical barrier; a sticky liquid that traps pathogens
  9. 13. the entry of the pathogen into the body
  10. 15. a type of disease in which a person's own immune system attacks parts of their body
  11. 16. the type of transmission where there is contact between an infected person and an uninfected one through blood or other bodily fluids
  12. 20. the method in which lymphocytes clone
  13. 24. a type of mechanical barrier that sweeps out pathogens