IIRRT 20th Anniversary Ball

  1. 2. Particle that acts like a wave
  2. 4. Reference mark used for patient’s radiotherapy treatment.
  3. 8. Radiation produced with the deflection of an atom
  4. 9. Used to stop radiation
  5. 10. Annual European conference held in Vienna
  6. 12. The division of dose over several treatments
  7. 13. The effect utilised to allow image formation on radiographs
  8. 14. Unit of dose of radiation
  1. 1. Modality that uses no ionising radiation, just sound
  2. 3. Common name for the machine used in radiation treatment
  3. 5. Secondary radiation that occurs when the radiation intercepts any object
  4. 6. The use of a radiation source internally for treatment
  5. 7. Radiation used on small, well defined tumours
  6. 11. Discovered Radiation