I'm Learning Jobs!

  1. 3. They take care of our health.
  2. 4. They draw buildings.
  3. 6. They're always busy.
  4. 7. They save lives when there is a fire.
  5. 10. They protect people.
  6. 16. They play football.
  7. 17. They paint walls.
  8. 18. They fly an airplane.
  9. 19. They help doctors.
  10. 20. They drive cars, buses or taxis.
  11. 22. They teach us everything.
  12. 23. They sing.
  1. 1. They repair things, like cars.
  2. 2. They bring people letters.
  3. 5. They make engines, machines, or buildings.
  4. 6. They cut and shape people's hair.
  5. 8. They make delicious food.
  6. 9. They take care of our teeth.
  7. 11. They make clothes.
  8. 12. They make furniture from wood.
  9. 13. They paint pictures.
  10. 14. They invent new things.
  11. 15. We can see them in films or theathers.
  12. 16. They work in a farm
  13. 21. They work.