IMM Worksheet

  1. 3. cell,
  2. 4. immune deficiency syndrome,
  3. 6. regulator,
  4. 7. adhesion molecule,
  5. 9. factor expressed in Treg cells that are needed for Treg function,
  6. 10. Cell/B lymphocyte that produces antibodies,
  7. 11. cell receptor,
  8. 13. mediated immunity,
  9. 15. of differentiation,
  10. 16. name of Chemokine receptors,
  11. 18. dependent cellular cytotoxicity,
  12. 19. T Cell/T Cells that express the co-receptor protein CD4,
  1. 1. protein,
  2. 2. determining regions,
  3. 4. presenting cell,
  4. 5. name of chemokines,
  5. 7. T Cell/T Cells that express the co-receptor protein CD8,
  6. 8. with antigen binding,
  7. 12. T lymphocytes,
  8. 14. Fragment/Crystallized fragment of an antibody,
  9. 17. Receptors/Cell surface receptors that bind to the Fc portion of IgG molecules,