Immigration and American dream

  1. 5. country of destination for immigrants
  2. 7. badly paid
  3. 8. person who becomes successful and rich all by himself
  4. 10. device such as a washing machine or dish-washer
  5. 11. move up
  6. 13. a person who consumes
  7. 14. fortune or quantity of money acquired
  8. 15. country of origin of immigrants
  9. 16. person who makes money by helping people cross borders illegally
  10. 19. society based on consumption
  11. 20. geographic limit between two countries
  12. 21. wage or salary
  13. 22. illegal, without official papers
  14. 23. to be racist by refering racial or physical differences
  1. 1. person who comes from abroad
  2. 2. vertical representation of society
  3. 3. racism
  4. 4. person who emigrates to another country
  5. 6. that cannot be attained
  6. 9. the ability to move up in society
  7. 12. that cannot be acchieved
  8. 16. separation along racial or social criteria
  9. 17. person who has to emigrate because of war or famine
  10. 18. to fulfill or realize something