Immune and Respiratory Systems

  1. 2. system / removes harmful organisms from the blood and combats pathogens
  2. 5. / are hair like structures that remove dipstick and other particles from the air
  3. 6. / are small tubes divided into the alveoli
  4. 9. / is a tube through which air moves to the lungs
  5. 11. / are the main organs of the respiratory system
  6. 12. / is a special protein that helps fight infection
  7. 13. node / is small particles to lymph nodes
  8. 14. / are two tubes through which air moves to the lungs
  1. 1. / is an organ on the left side of the abdomen that filters foreign matter from the blood and Lymph
  2. 2. / is the body's resistance to disease causing agents
  3. 3. / is a thick secretion that moistens, lubricates, and protects mucus membranes
  4. 4. / is a flap that covers thee entrance to the trachea when a person swallows their food or beverages
  5. 7. system / provides body cells with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide that cells produce as waste
  6. 8. / is the throat
  7. 10. / are microscope air sacs